Leslie Tuttle DiTrani - Ditrani Law, LLC

Ms. Leslie Tuttle DiTrani


Ditrani Law, LLC
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
5th Floor

Cambridge, MA 02140
617 864-1166

Leslie Tuttle DiTrani has been practicing immigration law for over 20 years. She has a broad expertise in business and family immigration matters as well as significant experience in creative and effective approaches for all of her clients. Leslie’s business experience encompasses a wide range of enterprises from Cambridge start-ups and entrepreneurs to established businesses. Leslie has been an active AILA member serving on the Executive Board of the New England Chapter from 2008 to 2013 where she served as Chapter Chair from 2011 to 2012. She has also served on many AILA National committees, including her current role as Co-chair of the Consumer Protection and UPL Action Committee. Leslie is a board member of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA). Leslie also presents and publishes on numerous immigration topics. Leslie is admitted to the Massachusetts Bar and the Federal District Court of Massachusetts. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, in 1986, from William Smith College, in Geneva, New York and her Juris Doctor, in 1994, from Northeastern University School of Law, in Boston, Massachusetts.